Repply to Allen Browne's reply to. "Cannot not find my custom menue bars..."
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John Phelan-Cummings
2008-03-14 17:53:21 UTC

I went to the site, "http://accessjunkie.com/faq_31.aspx" and followed the
instructions up to the point, under, Ribbon and Toolbar Options) under
Current Database options. Either, with the, "default" option or with the,
"mycustom toolbar", their is not, "Allow Built-in Toolbars" listed as a box
to clear.

My custom main tool bar appears above all the forms; and my print toolbar
appears above opened reports. Only the main toolbar appears in the, Add-in.
Also, only the name of the print toolbar will appear in the Shortcut Menu Bar,
(as it probably should). However, NO custom menu bar name appears in the,
Menu Bar option combo box.

Finally, where do I go to modify either?

Allen Browne
2008-03-15 03:21:50 UTC
The Allow Built-in Toolbars option applies to an MDB, not an ACCDB. If you
are not seeing this option, I assume you have an ACCDB.

As you posted a new thread here, I'm not sure what the original question
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users - http://allenbrowne.com/tips.html
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

"John Phelan-Cummings" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:C1D05B9A-9E61-4FF9-BFD2-***@microsoft.com...
I went to the site, "http://accessjunkie.com/faq_31.aspx" and followed the
instructions up to the point, under, Ribbon and Toolbar Options) under
Current Database options. Either, with the, "default" option or with the,
"mycustom toolbar", their is not, "Allow Built-in Toolbars" listed as a box
to clear.

My custom main tool bar appears above all the forms; and my print toolbar
appears above opened reports. Only the main toolbar appears in the, Add-in.
Also, only the name of the print toolbar will appear in the Shortcut Menu
(as it probably should). However, NO custom menu bar name appears in the,
Menu Bar option combo box.

Finally, where do I go to modify either?
