problems with an accdb saved as an mdb
(too old to reply)
Christy Wyatt
2008-03-15 20:33:02 UTC
I have some customers who have 2003, so I sent them an accdb converted to a
2003 version. When we open it in 2003, most of the toolbars are missing. It
acts a lot like a runtime version. Also, some of the macros don't make it
through the transition.
Christy Wyatt
Allen Browne
2008-03-16 02:06:00 UTC
Regarding the missing menu/toolbars, under:
Office Button | Access Options | Current Database
make sure you have checked the boxes for:
Allow Full Menus
Allow Built-in Toolbars
(The Toolbars option does not exist for ACCDB, only MDB.)

The macros that did not make it are probably the new embedded macros. If you
created them using a wizard in your ACCDB, delete them, create them again in
the MDB.
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users - http://allenbrowne.com/tips.html
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Post by Christy Wyatt
I have some customers who have 2003, so I sent them an accdb converted to a
2003 version. When we open it in 2003, most of the toolbars are missing.
acts a lot like a runtime version. Also, some of the macros don't make it
through the transition.
Christy Wyatt
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