Where is database description in 2007?
(too old to reply)
Margaret Bartley
2008-04-03 01:03:38 UTC
In File | Description was a field I could put comments in to describe why I
was obsoleting a specific version of a database. It was a property in the
properties collection of the application object.

Where is that in Access 2007?
Allen Browne
2008-04-03 01:38:38 UTC
Click the Office Button (top left), then Manage.
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users - http://allenbrowne.com/tips.html
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Post by Margaret Bartley
In File | Description was a field I could put comments in to describe why
I was obsoleting a specific version of a database. It was a property in
the properties collection of the application object.
Where is that in Access 2007?
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