Bill B
2008-02-05 14:32:56 UTC
Hi All.
I'm having a heck of a time here trying to sort some code out in an attempt
to convert a few VBA modules from 97 to 2003 and compile them.
At the moment I'm getting this error:
Error: Object variable or With block variable not set
from this code:
Function ref_intStartNewAccess() As Integer
On Error GoTo ref_intStartNewAccess_Err
Dim intRet As Integer
Dim mappAccess As Object
ref_SetStatus 0, "Starting Access 2003 ..."
Set mappAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application.11")
'mappAccess.Visible = false
intRet = True
ref_intStartNewAccess = intRet
Exit Function
intRet = False
MsgBox "Error: " & Error$, vbExclamation, "ref_intStartNewAccess()"
Resume ref_intStartNewAccess_Exit
End Function
Private Sub ref_SetStatus(ByVal pintType As Integer, ByVal pvarText As
Dim strMsg As String
Dim frm As New Form
Set frm = Forms!frmStatus
If Not IsNull(pvarText) Then strMsg = pvarText
Select Case pintType
Case 0
frm!lblMsg.Caption = strMsg
Case 1
frm!lblAppDB.Caption = strMsg
Case 2
frm!lblAppDesc.Caption = strMsg
Case 3
frm!lblLibDB.Caption = strMsg
Case 4
frm!lblPath.Caption = strMsg
End Select
End Sub
Any help sorting this out would be greatly appreciated.
I'm having a heck of a time here trying to sort some code out in an attempt
to convert a few VBA modules from 97 to 2003 and compile them.
At the moment I'm getting this error:
Error: Object variable or With block variable not set
from this code:
Function ref_intStartNewAccess() As Integer
On Error GoTo ref_intStartNewAccess_Err
Dim intRet As Integer
Dim mappAccess As Object
ref_SetStatus 0, "Starting Access 2003 ..."
Set mappAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application.11")
'mappAccess.Visible = false
intRet = True
ref_intStartNewAccess = intRet
Exit Function
intRet = False
MsgBox "Error: " & Error$, vbExclamation, "ref_intStartNewAccess()"
Resume ref_intStartNewAccess_Exit
End Function
Private Sub ref_SetStatus(ByVal pintType As Integer, ByVal pvarText As
Dim strMsg As String
Dim frm As New Form
Set frm = Forms!frmStatus
If Not IsNull(pvarText) Then strMsg = pvarText
Select Case pintType
Case 0
frm!lblMsg.Caption = strMsg
Case 1
frm!lblAppDB.Caption = strMsg
Case 2
frm!lblAppDesc.Caption = strMsg
Case 3
frm!lblLibDB.Caption = strMsg
Case 4
frm!lblPath.Caption = strMsg
End Select
End Sub
Any help sorting this out would be greatly appreciated.