error 0001603 loading camera soft ware
(too old to reply)
2007-12-15 17:24:00 UTC
Dear friends I bought a olympus digital camera , when installing the soft
ware i get an message saying INsatllation error 00001603, tec support at
olympus says its micrsoft related can anyone please tell me why and how I can
fix that, so i can down loads some pics?
Happpy holidays to everyone
Manny in snowy Vail
Manny H
Douglas J. Steele
2007-12-15 18:01:49 UTC
Sorry, but this newsgroup is for questions about Access, the database
product that's part of Office Professional.

You'll need to find a more appropriate newsgroup to which to repost your
question (perhaps one related to hardware for whatever operating system
you're using), or else check whether there's anything at the Olympus web
Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP
(no private e-mails, please)
Post by Manny
Dear friends I bought a olympus digital camera , when installing the soft
ware i get an message saying INsatllation error 00001603, tec support at
olympus says its micrsoft related can anyone please tell me why and how I can
fix that, so i can down loads some pics?
Happpy holidays to everyone
Manny in snowy Vail
Manny H
Ileana Rodriguez
2007-12-17 02:24:24 UTC
Post by Manny
Dear friends I bought a olympus digital camera , when installing the soft
ware i get an message saying INsatllation error 00001603, tec support at
olympus says its micrsoft related can anyone please tell me why and how I can
fix that, so i can down loads some pics?
Happpy holidays to everyone
Manny in snowy Vail
Manny H
Tyler & Bre
2008-01-08 06:13:39 UTC
Go to the olympus website and download the driver
Post by Manny
Dear friends I bought a olympus digital camera , when installing the soft
ware i get an message saying INsatllation error 00001603, tec support at
olympus says its micrsoft related can anyone please tell me why and how I can
fix that, so i can down loads some pics?
Happpy holidays to everyone
Manny in snowy Vail
Manny H
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started 2006-09-15 11:11:31 UTC
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