Many thanks Jeff ! I'll try that.
One more thing, how do I do a DSNLESS oracle server connection
1. Through ODBC
2. via code where the event of connection happens once a button is clicked.
I plan to either connect on form open or on "connect" button click.
3. via user login form to the database (Generic user made ) login form.
some Sample code would be greatly appreciated
Post by Jeff BoyceIf your queries are located in Access (rather than in the SQL-Server
backend), you don't really need to do anything. When you link to the
tables in <fill in your backend server here>, the ODBC connection handles
the translation.
I believe you can simply "point to" (link to) the new tables and start
running Access queries.
Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
Post by Rocky5Hello;
I have an access db front end and sql server backend. how painful is it
to convert this to work on an oracle server backend. Any help would be
much appreciated