Hi Jasmine,
It isn't that easy....
To document your procedures, use something like MZTools to document
each procedure in its code module. You do that for the benefit of
future developers who must maintain your code. Do a good job, you're
likely to be the future developer who benefits most.
Your question seems to be about creating *context sensitive* Help
files. That's a whole different animal. Help files are not a part of
Access. They are created using different processes. None are
Unless there have been new additions to the stable, Microsoft's tools
will get you there but with a lot of pain and effort. There are a
host of 3rd party tools that all hype their abilities but most are
pretty feeble. And most dance all around the fact that they don't
create context sensitive help files. Most will also require that you
have the Microsoft Help file tools on your system so don't regard that
as a failing when they reveal it.
I stopped my Help file research a few years back when I found HTML
Help.. They offer aversion that will read your MDB and create the
start of a context sensitive help file for you. Getting started is
the worst part of creating help files. Extensive application
modifications can turn the maintenance of the help file into a
If written with the User in mind, Help files are incredibly useful to
them. Try to keep things in a more helpful vein than the typical
Microsoft effort: "This message comes up when you click the button
that brings this message up".
Post by JasmineI need some assistance creating a Help File for my application so that a
can get instant assistance if they need within the application.
I've already documented some of the application procedures within MSWord,
but do not know if this is the right approach.
Thanks for your help