"layout view is unavailable for this report."
(too old to reply)
2008-02-12 18:24:37 UTC
I've successfully updated my Access 2 database to Access 2007. After
acknowledging in response to a dialogue box that an (unidentifiable--by me,
at least) existed, I accepted the error and the table, report and form
opened for use.

I've noted before here that I wished to format a limited number of records
in bold. Following the directions in the help file for "conditional
formatting" I immediately came to the first step : "open in layout view." I
get this message with each of my database reports: "Layout view is
unavailable for this report."

Am I going to remain blocked in my attempt to bold just certain records in
my reports?
2008-02-14 10:52:38 UTC
Post by 3***@earthlink.net
I've successfully updated my Access 2 database to Access 2007. After
acknowledging in response to a dialogue box that an (unidentifiable--by
me, at least) existed, I accepted the error and the table, report and form
opened for use.
I've noted before here that I wished to format a limited number of records
in bold. Following the directions in the help file for "conditional
formatting" I immediately came to the first step : "open in layout view."
I get this message with each of my database reports: "Layout view is
unavailable for this report."
Am I going to remain blocked in my attempt to bold just certain records in
my reports?
Allen Browne
2008-02-14 12:54:02 UTC
How did you get this error message?

You can disable Layout View for an individual report by setting its Allow
Layout View property to No.

You can disable Layout View for all the reports in your database by checking
the box under:
Office Button | Access Options | Current Database | Enable Layout View

When you do this, Layout View will not be available via the menus, so you
are not getting the message from there. Similarly, using:
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1", acViewLayout
will open the report in design view, so you are not getting the error
message from there. So, I don't follow what context is giving you this

In any case, you don't need layout view to use Conditional Formatting.
Opening the report in design view, works just fine.
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users - http://allenbrowne.com/tips.html
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Post by 3***@earthlink.net
I've successfully updated my Access 2 database to Access 2007. After
acknowledging in response to a dialogue box that an (unidentifiable--by
me, at least) existed, I accepted the error and the table, report and form
opened for use.
I've noted before here that I wished to format a limited number of records
in bold. Following the directions in the help file for "conditional
formatting" I immediately came to the first step : "open in layout view."
I get this message with each of my database reports: "Layout view is
unavailable for this report."
Am I going to remain blocked in my attempt to bold just certain records in
my reports?
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